Blog re-post from September 25, 2011. Miss Ann is back in the news!

Ohio Astrology

This morning I read about the home-spun authenticity of Ann Romney, wife of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Of course, checking out the horoscope behind the authenticity was a must.

First let me say I LOVE THIS. Watching politicians’ attempts to project images takes me back to watching plays in elementary school. You’re taught by elementary school not to laugh (openly) at others but still don’t have the maturity to restrain your giggles watching your friends trying to portray characters in a play. Their acting is terrible, it’s funny and you laugh.

According to the AP story, Ann and Mitt Romney were flipping pancakes recently at a political fundraiser. Mrs. Romney is quoted in the article as saying that she served pancakes nearly every morning before her children went to school.

I don’t question the authenticity of Mrs. Romney’s love of making pancakes nearly every morning for her sons…

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About ohioastrology

I'm just another soul trying to make sense of the world. As I've grown, so has my understanding of astrology. I'd like to communicate that astrology is not occult and not fortune-telling but that it is a fluid, creative description of the life we choose to live.
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