Fire Signs Have More Fun: The Art of Manifestation

About 12 years ago – a Jupiter cycle if you’re an astrologer or have been reading lots about Jupiter in the signs – I was sitting at a stop light returning home and an image popped in my mind. It was an image from my pre-teen years.

The image matched my then current reality. What I’d imagined so long ago I now had. It looked a bit different, sure, but it was the same idea.

This was my first understanding of manifestation. What I had at that time was not what I thought I wanted or thought I planned. It matched in quality the pre-teen image although the details were different because my pre-teen mind imagined the outcome only, not the road leading up to it.

Examining this I understood that I got what I truly wanted. From that time on, I’ve learned to enjoy what I have because at some level I’ve sent the message that this is what I want. If I don’t like it, I can simply change my mind.

In the last couple years, my lessons in manifestation have speeded up to the point where I mention someone’s name and the elevator opens to their presence. In this type of lesson, I’ve discovered the Buddhists and (and Hindus too?) are right – thinking creates reality.

It’s both an awesome and terrifying discovery. The resistance to it is that, of course, sometimes there are innocent victims, especially children. But in the big picture, this world we live in is a result of our thoughts both positive (inventions, technology) and negative (war, strife, unworthiness).

Fire Signs Have More Fun

If you’ve ever done a personality profile, you’ll learn about your strengths and weaknesses. Often weaknesses are considered “inferior functions.” Each type of personality profile uses different segmentations to analyze the individual.

Astrology has four elements which represent the opposing concepts of thinking (air)/ feeling (water) and sensation (earth) / intuition (fire).

In my early days of blogging, I considered thinking/feeling. As fire is my inferior function, I’ve just realized that fire represents manifestation. I’m learning about my inferior function. Intuition doesn’t entirely fit this concept for me. But, then again, spiritual ideas of manifestation are not held in the West.

As the universe would have it, I’ve been surrounded by fire energy since birth (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius). Fire, for those without, always seems to have something “happening.” It can be what earth signs call “drama” or what air signs call “fun.”

If you don’t have a lot of fire in your horoscope, the fire signs will seem to be having more adventures. They walk down the street and run into an interesting person that leads them to a life in a foreign nation. They sing karaoke and then are spotted by a talent agent. They are out of work sitting at a coffee shop and notice an ad for freelance, high-paid work. They trip while walking and see coins on the sidewalk.

Fire has more adventures because it ventures out. In blogging about Sagittarius luck years ago, I concluded that luck doesn’t happen unless like Sagittarius you are a seeker of new experiences.

Fire manifests. Manifestation comes from the heart (ruled by Leo). The “heart” in our daily lives represents how we feel, our joys and desires. If you believe you deserve a nice life with nice things but deep down feel unworthy with an indelible stain, life may not serve up nice things.

Fire more than the other elements can bounce back from perceived failures. The failures don’t go as deep as they do for earth (“once bitten twice shy”) and water (“why did this happen to me?”). Air can bounce back as well but may lack the inner drive of fire but gets along well with fire manifestation by providing the ideas.

Your Manifestations

Planets and houses in the horoscope are where manifestation is most likely to be evident although the entire chart represents how we experience life.

Do you believe there is something in life you want but never get? The horoscope can help dive into those subconscious beliefs formed in early years that are feeding the manifestation.

About ohioastrology

I'm just another soul trying to make sense of the world. As I've grown, so has my understanding of astrology. I'd like to communicate that astrology is not occult and not fortune-telling but that it is a fluid, creative description of the life we choose to live.
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