Jupiter in Gemini – New Explorations in the Air

Today while driving I noticed a vulture high in the sky being hounded and attacked by a couple of crows. Bird territorial fights are not uncommon. The crows in my neighborhood often chase out the couple of hawks who hunt in the area.

While I noticed this fight, I had to quickly turn my attention back to rush hour traffic. Driving and bird watching are not companion activities.

The fight was high in the sky, unnoticed and unimportant to the busy humans below. How many bird skirmishes go unnoticed? It’s like an alternate reality, this bird drama. We pay no attention.

It’s so high in the sky.

The Shift to Air

Speaking of high in the sky, the planetary energies have been shifting since the pandemic when earth (practical affairs, tangible items, the body) and water (personal and collective emotions) energies ruled the skies.

Pluto is shifting into Aquarius, the fixed air sign. This faraway planet has been going into Aquarius and back out in Capricorn for the past year. Soon it will stay put in Aquarius.

“Age of Aquarius” was a song by the 5th Dimension suggesting love and peace will prevail. Aquarius is peaceful enough as it’s mostly busy with ideas. Love? Well, Aquarius is known for fraternal (brotherly, friendly) love but not the wet kisses kind of love.

Last round of Pluto in Aquarius 248 years ago was referred to as The Enlightenment and focused on human rights. Enlightenment came from ideas. Ideas also led to industrialization. In France royalty lost their heads while in Britain they merely lost their colonies (and their minds?).

Will this transit focus on the rights of man?

Life in the 18th century was very different than today. Is it fair to say men lived closer to the earth, in both good and bad ways?

Today it can be difficult to get a dinner companion to look you in the eye. We’ve moved from a life of sensation (earth) and feeling (water) to detached interaction often meant to create emotional reaction. We live more in our heads than in our bodies. This activity called “exercise” is needed because our bodies don’t always move around enough.

And like the vultures and crows, there are all kinds of objects and waves in the sky that we don’t notice in our busy lives like satellites and cell phone signals. And like the vultures and crows, they have lots of interactions that we busy humans ignore.

There are plenty of fights occurring today about body and land. But will there be fights about what’s in the sky? Will there be fights in the sky? Is it okay if a drone hovers over my backyard? What if the technology disturbs my body? What if I’m trying to find information that doesn’t want to be found?

If we did want to promote the digital rights of man, how would we communicate if the very platforms of digital are owned by private citizens? Possibly when Neptune goes into Taurus in 2039 we’ll go back to the printing press.

Jupiter in Gemini

And now comes Jupiter in Gemini in a few days – the red carpet for longer and more intense air sign transits as Gemini is the mutable air sign. Jupiter travels around the sun in about 12 years so spends about a year in a sign. After Jupiter leaves Gemini, Uranus will begin to move into this sign.

Jupiter – it’s about expansion. In most areas of life expansion is nice, like having a bigger house and lots of food. Consequently, it’s considered to be a benevolent planet that brings luck. For me, Santa Claus is ruled by Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius. In fact, in mythology jolly characters are usually physically large.

And this is the other side of Jupiter – excess.  Too much food, too much spending, too much unhealthy physical stimulation and pleasure – Jupiter is known for this too.

Jupiter in Taurus has been transiting while Uranus is in Taurus bringing lots of awareness to Taurus property, body and where consumer goods originate.

In Gemini, Jupiter will expand communications, education, travel, social interactions and play. In other words, the post lockdown “Roaring 2020s.” Get your flapper dress ready.

Ruling adolescence, Jupiter in Gemini will be inquisitive and adaptable but not very responsible. This is a transit where we may learn all about cleaning up the earth, but not a transit where we wake at 5 am on a Saturday to pick up trash on the side of the highway. In adolescence we want to grow up, but we still have the last bit of childhood in us.

That’s not to say that Gemini doesn’t consider deep and serious subjects. Like an air sign, it sees lots of connections and is ever the journalist. But waking up at 5 am is different than thinking about waking up at 5 am.

Ruled by Mercury, Gemini’s mental agility is often faster than his fellow men allowing what’s called swindling. Snake oil. Con artistry. That sort of thing. The 45th US President is a poster-child for the negative but entrancing qualities of Gemini.

The Future is in the Air

As noted in OHA blog The Future is up in the Air, much of life in the developed countries is digital. Our days are spent looking at screens.

While the air signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius – would all be interested in digital life due to its highly stimulating quality, they are also social signs that like a good party. Gemini can have a conversation with anyone; Libra is looking for love; and Aquarius is looking for a good idea or reason to be with the group (it was probably an Aquarius who developed the T-shirt that announces your identity).

Yet digital life today provides greater and more constant stimulation than can be offered by a human or two; social media offers thousands or millions of points of stimulation. Who has a friend like that? Who has been to that kind of party?

If the future, which is now, is in the air, Jupiter in Gemini will continue the exploration of the skies of the mind. Maybe we’ll even learn what the crows and vultures are thinking.

About ohioastrology

I'm just another soul trying to make sense of the world. As I've grown, so has my understanding of astrology. I'd like to communicate that astrology is not occult and not fortune-telling but that it is a fluid, creative description of the life we choose to live.
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