Hunter Biden for President!

This week President Biden’s son Hunter was convicted of three felonies related to gun purchases. Based on current trends in American politics, this makes him the perfect presidential candidate and a perfect replacement for his aging father: he’s young, vibrant, a gun owner, a drug user and now a felon.

Awesome! He has the perfect resume for “rebel-in-chief” – an American “culture code” studied by Clotaire Rapaille – and appears healthy enough to last four to eight years.

What astrological characteristics can Hunter Biden leverage for his campaign?

Hunter Biden Horoscope

Astrotheme provides a time of birth for Biden so I’ll go ahead and use that although it can’t be verified.

Born February 4, Biden is Aquarius sun and Venus with moon and Mercury in Capricorn. We’ll stop here for a minute. Four of the ten celestial bodies in the horoscope in Capricorn and Aquarius makes one what used to be called a “cold fish.”

Affection does not come easily to either sign. Share ideas, talk about daily life, explore opportunities for success, share information about the stuff you have or plan to buy but don’t talk about feelings. Conversation is best that expresses feelings the least.

As with all energies, there is polarity or the continuum of the energy. This makes every energy both an asset and liability, a blessing and a curse. For this Capricorn/Aquarius combination, the liability is in personal relationships where feeling is difficult to express.

The asset is that it’s perfect for what are considered difficult situations like rounding up the family and organizing a funeral after the death of a loved one. More emotional types might feel paralyzed after the loss of a loved one unable to act. Capricorn moon can control its feelings and move forward with duty and obligation.

It’s also good for business where the profit motive overrides other concerns and tough decisions are made that affect others’ lives.

So why is such a personality drawn to drug use as Biden has apparently been?

Drugs are different things to different people – and there are many different types of drugs – but for this type of personality drugs can help overcome natural reserve and melancholy. The drug Biden is accused of using is cocaine which provides energy and confidence.

Does Biden lack confidence?

Let’s move to Biden’s natal Mars in Aries. Mars is where we assert ourselves and it loves being in Aries since that’s what it rules. Biden is naturally assertive, that’s good. But Aries is square to Capricorn which creates the feeling of constant frustration with a world that doesn’t move fast enough. I’m guessing there are a lot of speeding tickets in Biden’s file cabinet.

Mars in Aries combined with the Capricorn / Aquarius energy adds to the “asset” side of non-feeling with the ability to do things like lead others in war where you can’t apply feeling, empathy or compassion otherwise you can’t do the job.

The liability side is that others think you are self-centered and do not care about anyone.

Natal Uranus in Libra opposes the Mars in Aries so there are constant challenges of Libra relationship against Aries self-interest. What’s occurring to Biden this week is exactly that. If he wasn’t the president’s son, but, say the son of a rich but relatively unknown real estate developer, this charge could have been avoided through money and influence.

But he is the president’s son so Uranus has come knocking (as it does for the common man as well).

Let’s move on to Biden’s natal Jupiter in Scorpio opposition to Saturn in Taurus. Today transiting Pluto is in Aquarius squaring this opposition making what’s called a T-square. Squares create tension. If Biden isn’t tense right now, then the feeling function has been snuffed out entirely.

With Capricorn moon and Aquarius sun, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn and now Aquarius means that Biden can’t escape Pluto transformation (and destruction). Pluto can’t be ignored. It’s already passed his moon bringing issues of emotional restraint to the surface and now will begin approaching his sun. Pluto is currently tucked between natal moon and natal sun. It’s a shadow over both, looming and threatening to take over.

But it hasn’t . . . yet.

The natal Jupiter-Saturn opposition involves the Scorpio-Taurus axis which is body, money and tangible items and in opposition involves lessons on sharing, self-esteem, intimacy and body image. In women I see “good girl/bad girl” issues here where natural sensuality creates feelings of guilt and fear of becoming a social outcast.

In men? Men need to tell me as society has been more accepting of male promiscuity than female promiscuity. But maybe inside they feel guilty and dirty as well. Women can feel like “whores” or “sluts.” Not sure if men have an equivalent inside image.

Upcoming Uranus and Neptune transits

The upcoming transits of Uranus moving into Gemini and Neptune moving into Aries in 2025 are positive transitions for Biden.

If the Astrotheme horoscope is correct, Uranus in the last degrees of Taurus and all of Gemini is a 12th house transit for Biden. The 12th or last house of the horoscope represents our subconscious or what is hidden not just from others but from ourselves. For Biden, it will lend sudden, intuitive insights into what lessons are being learned in this life.

Neptune in Aries will enhance natal Mars in Aries. Neptune in Aries will glorify and idealize things Aries: self, assertion, motivation, action, warriorship and possibly war itself.

For Biden, this may very well be a great time to run for president. These Aries “missteps” of today may very well become Aries ideals of the next 15 years.

It’s possible in future years we’ll see more Biden-Trump presidential competition with different, younger, second- and third-generation Bidens and Trumps.

About ohioastrology

I'm just another soul trying to make sense of the world. As I've grown, so has my understanding of astrology. I'd like to communicate that astrology is not occult and not fortune-telling but that it is a fluid, creative description of the life we choose to live.
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