29 Degrees of Pisces

If I were a journalist writing about astrology for a cheesy tabloid and developing a sensational headline to sell thousands of copies, it would read “Neptune in 29 Degrees of Pisces is planning to swallow up your reality any minute. Hang on!”

But I’m not that kind of astrologer.

And what’s a cheesy tabloid? If you were just out of the birth canal and your momma’s first interaction with you was to take a picture of you for social media, you won’t know what a cheesy tabloid is (was). It was printed on paper and contained the crazy news of UFO sightings and famous women without makeup and genetically modified creatures and presidents paying off hookers and the first announcement of celebrity divorces and secret government plots.

Today that’s the regular news.

Then no one believed a word of it. Today we believe it all.

How do we know what’s true?

29 Degrees

In the 360 degrees of the zodiac, Aries is the first sign and Pisces the last sign. Each of the 12 signs spans 30 degrees from 0 degrees to 29 degrees (and 59 minutes and 59 seconds) when it then goes into the next sign.

At 0 degrees, the energy is “new” and folks with lots of planets in early degrees are like travelers to a new country, open to experience with a bit of naivety not understanding that you don’t eat cut fruit from the roadside stand.

With planets at later degrees, including the 29th degree, one has been around the block, seen a few rodeos, lived a bunch of lifetimes including some as monks in caves. Sometimes we call these folks “old souls.” They sometimes hide away, weary of life on earth.

29 Degrees of Pisces

Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, has been in traveling through this sign for the last 15 years. It’s now in the 29th degree of Pisces and next year in 2025 will move into Aries.

What’s Neptune about?

Today I’ll quote Astrograph which has a succinct description:

Both God of the sea and the ruler of Pisces, Neptune finds exaltation in Cancer. Neptune, associated with universal love, is said to be the higher octave of Venus, which rules individual love. Neptune represents the universal ocean of oneness with all beings. Therefore, Neptune is highly compassionate, idealistic, and imaginative. It is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, and psychic receptivity. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle. The more negative manifestations of Neptune include deception, trickery, deceit, guilt, and addiction associated with drugs, alcohol, or even media and fantasy. Its position in a person’s chart would indicate where there may be confusion or illusion, and also great creativity in the poetic and musical fields.

The big earth news from the last 15 years is the rise of technology in daily life. At the end of this cycle, we now are told that we don’t even have to think, that it will be done for us. Yet at the same time we spent 15 years feeding the think tank.

Did we give our souls away?

Slot machines provide emotional stimulation by providing highs (thoughts and potential of winning) and lows (reality of loss and no money to continue) in a constant cycle of manic depression.

Social media can do the same.

Neptune and Pisces do not have strong emotional boundaries so often take on others’ energies or become a savior or scapegoat in others’ eyes.

While being a scapegoat is horrific, being a savior also creates unrealistic burdens which is why cult leaders get so destructive: the daily grind isn’t what a savior should be doing.


Since Neptune has been in Pisces there has been a lot more debate about what’s “real.” While news has always been questioned (and questionable) by those who consume it, today there’s no common agreement about the most basic of elements of 3D-reality.

Neptune is dissolving our shared agreements.

Which brings me to Scrabble, the great word game of tiled letters that scores points as you form your words against others’ words.

Many years ago I played Scrabble with the “word freaks” who have special Scrabble dictionaries which include “oe” or wind in the Faroe Islands, a word not at that time in the official dictionary. Since that time more and more word variations have made it into online dictionaries – language always changes so it makes sense.

Yet playing with a super competitive friend, I discovered that every utterance has made it into the online dictionaries. While that provides more options for the game, it has started to feel like any and every word was acceptable.

What’s the point of playing a game without constraints? There’s nothing to perform against.

If every word is valid, then no word is “unreal,” and our shared Scrabble reality – like other shared realities – has been dissolved in the tidal wave of Neptune in Pisces.

Related blogs

Neptune Spirits

Mutable signs dissolving in a glass of Neptune

Neptune the Metaphysical Fourth Dimension

The Green Generation Smokes Neptune in Pisces

History Continues Itself – The Opium Wars

About ohioastrology

I'm just another soul trying to make sense of the world. As I've grown, so has my understanding of astrology. I'd like to communicate that astrology is not occult and not fortune-telling but that it is a fluid, creative description of the life we choose to live.
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